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The best ways to do sandals for your face and body on the Arabic way

The best ways to do sandals for your face and body on the Arabic way

Skin Care,Face and Hands,Arabic way, face and body,lemon,Coffee Scrub,Body Scrub,
Skin Peeling, Skin Care, Skin Care, Black Heads, Frank Scrub, Body Scrub, Skin Scrub, Coffee Scrub Recipe, Beauty, Scrub, Coffee Mask, Body Scrub, Natural Recipes, How to Make a Face and Hands Sanding, Mixes, Coffee Scrub, Skin cleansing, recipe for face and hands emery

What does the sanding process mean for the body and your skin: The sanding for the face and the body is the solution to many skin problems and the sanding is an aesthetic routine that deals with face glasses and the softness of the body, as sanding masks for the face and body work to face the negative consequences caused by the surrounding and changing weather factors, so women suffer from Dry skin and blackening of the color, from here came the role of sanding creams and mixes that work to lighten the skin and increase its smoothness, and get rid of dead skin cells accumulated on the skin. So, get to know us below on the best face sanding mixture and the best body sanding mixture. These two blends act as an effective natural exfoliator and glory to the skin, as Alsnavr helps the skin to get rid of dead skin cells, leaving them fresh and supple.

Benefits of sanding for the face and body:

1- Removing the dirt of the skin and the accumulated oils in its pores, which leads to supplying the skin and increasing its freshness.
2- Fighting dry skin and getting rid of dandruff.
3- Remove dead skin layers.
4- Removing blackheads and regenerating skin cells.
5- Get rid of acne scars, especially if they are used continuously.
6- Getting rid of the scars that the acne leaves.
7- Increased blood circulation and blood flow.
8- Giving the skin a smooth and soft texture.

9- Delaying the appearance of wrinkles.

Skin Peeling, Skin Care, Skin Care, Black Heads, Frank Scrub, Body Scrub, Skin Scrub, Coffee Scrub Recipe, Beauty, Scrub, Coffee Mask, Body Scrub, Natural Recipes, How to Make a Face and Hands Sanding, Mixes, Coffee Scrub, Skin cleansing, recipe for face and hands

Skin Care,Face and Hands,Arabic way, face and body,lemon,Coffee Scrub,Body Scrub,
Best natural mixture for body scrub:
 the ingredients:
A cup of coarse salt
Ground spoon ginger
Cinnamon spoon
half cup of olive oil
A small amount of almond oil
Curved Curcuma Method:
All ingredients are mixed together to obtain a homogeneous mixture, and the body is rubbed after bathing with hot water to open the pores of the skin while focusing on rubbing the rough areas in the body and dry, taking a bath with lukewarm water, and applying the body with a moisturizing cream or baby oil to protect the body.
The best natural blend for skin sanding:

Skin Peeling, Skin Care, Skin Care, Black Heads, Frank Scrub, Body Scrub, Skin Scrub, Coffee Scrub Recipe, Beauty, Scrub, Coffee Mask, Body Scrub, Natural Recipes, How to Make a Face and Hands Sanding, Mixes, Coffee Scrub, Skin cleansing, recipe for face and hands 

Skin Care,Face and Hands,Arabic way, face and body,lemon,Coffee Scrub,Body Scrub,
 the ingredients:
A quarter cup of white cane (coarse sugar).
An adequate amount of lemon juice.
Put the white sugar cane in a bowl, then add the lemon juice gradually, stirring to form a paste.
Spread the dough evenly on the face and neck, and in small circular motions, use the tips of the fingers, starting from the nose, up towards the hairline, taking into account avoiding the eye area.
Leave the mixture on for 15 minutes, then rinse with lukewarm water.
Apply a mild moisturizer to the face to avoid dry skin
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