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The best 4 essential oils achieve hormonal balance in the human body

The best 4 essential oils achieve hormonal balance in the human body
oils,Lavender oil,Musk oil,Japanese Cedar Oil,

Foods that regulate hormones, natural treatment for hormone regulation, regulation of hormones in men, regulation of hormones in girls, regulation of hormones in herbs, regulation of hormones in women, treatment and regulation of hormones, benefits of vitamins and minerals, treatment of hormonal disorder

The best essential oils to help balance hormones and increase wellness. The most important of these oils are sage, lavender essential oil, geranium oil, and Japanese cedar oil. Research shows that these oils can help regulate the activity of a particular hormone and can help relieve depression. Let's find out more about these essential oils for hormonal balance.

 Foods that regulate hormones, natural treatment for hormone regulation, regulation of hormones in men, regulation of hormones in girls, regulation of hormones in herbs, regulation of hormones in women, treatment and regulation of hormones, benefits of vitamins and minerals, treatment of hormonal disorder

1- Clary oil:
 Sage traditionally used sage clary oil to help calm nervous nerves. In a study published in 'Physiotherapy Research' that included 22 menopausal women in their fifties, cortisol levels decreased by up to 36 percent after inhaling sage sage oil. In addition, the serotonin hormone - a hormone that plays a major positive role in balancing moods - increases when exposed to oil. Clary sage oil, when massaged daily on the lower abdomen, can also help relieve menstrual cramps. A preliminary controlled clinical study, published in the Journal of Evidence-Based Alternative and Complementary Medicine, found that aromatherapy massages with sage clary and other oils were more effective for menstrual pain than acetaminophen.

2- Lavender oil:

 Basic Research has shown that lavender essential oil has anxiolytic properties. An animal model 2019 of chronic high-dose corticosterone administration has shown that aromatherapy with lavender oil can relieve symptoms of depression.
oils,Lavender oil,Musk oil,Japanese Cedar Oil,

Foods that regulate hormones, natural treatment for hormone regulation, regulation of hormones in men, regulation of hormones in girls, regulation of hormones in herbs, regulation of hormones in women, treatment and regulation of hormones, benefits of vitamins and minerals, treatment of hormonal disorder

 There have been other scientific reports indicating that lavender can help boost mood. For example, a report published in Physiology and Behavior revealed that essential oils of lavender and orange reduced anxiety and improved the mood of people who were waiting for dental treatment. Clinical trial research on elderly women with acute coronary syndrome who received reflexology massage with lavender essential oil also showed a decrease in systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, mean arterial blood pressure, and heart rate.

3- Musk oil:

 Musk oil, with its soft floral scent, may help relieve symptoms in postmenopausal women and also balance the reduced estrogen levels. A 2017 study, published in Neuroendocrine Letters, indicated that oil may have the potential to improve estrogen secretion in women. In another study, 120 menopausal women were given musk aromatherapy massage once a week for 30 minutes, for 8 weeks. Researchers found that geranium oil helped relieve depression in postmenopausal women.

4- Japanese Cedar Oil:

 Japanese cedar oil has a spicy woody aroma. A 2017 study, published in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, showed that volatile compounds of Japanese cedar oil essentially affected the endocrine system and organized stress responses. Japanese researchers found that Japanese cedar essential oil increased DHEA levels among employees who were doing chore and improving their mental health. DHEA is a naturally produced hormone that is a precursor to sex hormones. It is widely taken as a supplement to slow down the aging process and improve endurance levels. While these are the best essential oils for hormonal balance, peppermint oil, orange oil and clove oil also help improve mood and reduce stress in the body. However, there are no studies yet to verify this.

Finally a word of caution: Researchers at the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) found that chemical compounds in lavender oil and tea tree oil can cause disorders of the endocrine system. However, the research is not published in any peer-reviewed journal and needs further verification. It is advisable to seek advice from aromatherapist about essential oils. Also, always inform your healthcare professional about using essential oils as they may not supplement other medications.

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