Subscribe in a reader Did you know that red cabbage is healthier than white cabbage? - daahsha"دهشة"


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Did you know that red cabbage is healthier than white cabbage?

Did you know that red cabbage is healthier than white cabbage?
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Cabbage, Benefits of Cabbage for Pregnant, Benefits of Red Cabbage, Benefits of Cabbage, Benefits of Cabbage for Diabetics, Benefits of White Cabbage for Sex, Benefits of Cabbage and Diabetes, Benefits of Cabbage for Breasts, Benefits of Cabbage for Skin, Benefits of Cabbage and Sex, Benefits of Cabbage for Rumen, Stuffed Cabbage

Red cabbage is a type of cabbage characterized by its red color resulting from the presence of anthocyanin dye. Red cabbage is similar to white in its shape and composition, but the nutritional value of red is higher.

 Because red cabbage contains the red dye that we mentioned and found in other types of vegetables and fruits such as grapes, berries, cherries and eggplant, it is a very strong antioxidant.

It works to prevent inflammation in the body and fights free radicals caused by pollution and eating unhealthy foods that cause a number of diseases such as cancer, early signs of aging, and others.

In general, red and white cabbage is considered a vegetable of the cruciferous family (among them cabbage and flower) rich in vitamin C, potassium, calcium, and indole compounds that fight cancer. A Dutch study revealed that consuming cruciferous vegetable vegetables continuously.

Therefore, it reduces the incidence of colon and duodenal cancer by 50% approximately, as it is low in calories and contains enzymes and metabolic compounds that stimulate metabolism (therefore metabolism) and therefore it is an appropriate food for weight loss.

You can serve cabbage in many dishes, cooked or raw, and you can use the beautiful red cabbage color to prepare healthy and delicious recipes for children and all family members.

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authorمرحبا، أسمي نانا أحمد وهذه مدونتي أسعى دائما لأقدم لكم أفضل المواضيع المنوعة فى الصحة والحياة الأسرية والتكولوجياوالطبخ والفنون والموضة
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