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مدونة شبابية لكل أسرة عصرية تعرض كل ما يخص الامور الدينية و كل الوصفات الطبية الطبيعية والمعلومات العامه المفيدة للعنايه بالشعر والبشره وكل وظائف الجسم المختلفة . وكل معلومات عن النباتات والحيوانات. وكل ما يخص الموضة والديكور وفن الطهى والتكولوجيا و فن التصوير والرسم ومعلومات عامة وألغاز...

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When should we put a muzzle on our face to protect from the Corona virus and what instructions should we follow to protect from this virus?

When should we put a muzzle on our face to protect from the Corona virus and what instructions should we follow to protect from this virus?

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Corona Virus, WHO, Middle East, Iran, China, Corona, South Korea, muzzle, cough, respiratory disease, lung disease

We live these days in a state of fear of a disease called Corona and in light of the outbreak of the Corona virus emerging in the Middle East region after its outbreak in China and South Korea in a dangerous way, and also after it appeared in the country of Iran, the fear has become increasing day by day, so some people may take some measures Prevention is at the highest level, but there may be some unnecessary measures.

The WHO Middle East office confirmed, through its official account on Twitter, that there is no need for healthy people to wear masks.

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The World Health Organization said: 'It is not recommended that healthy people wear masks, and it is advisable to wear them only when caring for a person suspected of Covid-19 infection.'

Corona Virus, WHO, Middle East, Iran, China, Corona, South Korea, muzzle, cough, respiratory disease, lung disease

The instructions issued by the World Health Organization clarified, when should the mask be used, explaining that the mask should be worn by anyone suffering from coughing or sneezing, and confirming that the mask is effective only if used with washing hands regularly with soap and water, or rubbing them with an alcohol antiseptic.

The instructions indicated that when wearing the muzzle, it is necessary to know how to use it properly, as well as how to get rid of it, explaining that before wearing the muzzle, the person must rub his hands well with antiseptic, or wash them with soap and water.

The following are typical WHO recommendations to the public to reduce exposure to and transmission of a range of diseases, including hand hygiene, respiratory hygiene and safe food practices:

1- Clean your hands frequently by rubbing them with an alcohol disinfectant or washing them well with soap and water.

2- When coughing and sneezing, be sure to cover your mouth and nose with your folded elbow or a tissue, and dispose of the tissue immediately and wash your hands.

3- Avoid getting close to people with fever and coughing.

4- If you have a fever, cough and difficulty breathing, seek medical attention early, and inform your caregiver of your previous travel trips.

5- When you visit markets for live products in areas experiencing new cases of infection with the Corona virus, avoid direct contact with live animals and the surfaces that come into contact with those animals.

6- Avoid eating raw or undercooked animal products. Raw meat, raw milk or animal organs should be handled with care to avoid the contamination of contaminants from uncooked foods, in accordance with good food safety practices.

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authorمرحبا، أسمي نانا أحمد وهذه مدونتي أسعى دائما لأقدم لكم أفضل المواضيع المنوعة فى الصحة والحياة الأسرية والتكولوجياوالطبخ والفنون والموضة
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